The Anti-Globalist party of Australia


Our 8 point policy plan:


  1. Globalist Profiteers Tax: Tax those Globalists that advocate for; and have profited from high population growth to pay the costs of that growth.
  2. Tariff protection: Lower personal & corporate tax rate to 10%, increase import tariffs to replace lost taxation income, compensate any Australian that is financially harmed by the tariff increase.
  3. End wage suppression: End globalist sponsored targeted and general wage suppression.
  4. International Reciprocity: Treat foreign countries with the same trade laws as they treat us.
  5. Housing: Remove land tax on investment properties, leave negative-gearing tax breaks for individuals in place.
  6. Direct Democracy: Citizens initiated referenda or plebiscites.
  7. Citizenship: Cap Australian Citizenship at 25 million citizens.
  8. End forever wars: Limit funding of any foreign conflict to no more than 12 months.